12 / 13 / 14 November 2024​

Welcome Back

Kayleigh Hutchins, Editor, Data Centre Review

Kayleigh Hutchins, Editor of Data Centre Review, welcomes everyone back for day two of Critical Insight.


Why Cloud is moving to the edge

Daniel Lawrence, Enterprise Director, Leading Edge Global

Enterprises of all sizes are turning to multi-cloud and Hybrid IT environments at the Edge. This presentation explains how businesses can easily deploy services at the edge without having to be concerned with the operational overhead of managing more infrastructure.

Telecoms & 5G

Mike Hoy, Technology Director, Pulsant

What does the dawn of 5G mean for the data centre sector?

Panel: Designing Data Centres

Moderator: Dai Davis, Technology Lawyer, Institution of Engineering and Technology

Nabeel Mahmood, CEO, Mahmood

Mark Acton, Independent Data Centre Consultant / DCA Advisory Board Member, Future-tech

Swanson Tan (Zhiheng Tan), Head of technology research and development of IDC, Alibaba

With supply chain issues and new sustainability requirements at the top of the agenda, how are we changing the way we design new builds – and what are we doing to modernise legacy data centres?


Venessa Moffatt, Business Development Consultant Digital Technologies and Advisory Board, DCA

How can DCIM solutions make use of AI and real-time analytics to address current issues like rising energy costs, security and the pursuit of sustainability?

15-minute break


Maikel Bouricius, CCO, Asperitas

Cooling is a major speedbump in the data centre’s journey to reduce its carbon footprint. What cooling innovations will be key to the next step in the data centre’s evolution?

Panel: Heads in the Cloud – Changing Trends

Moderator: David Terrar, Chair, Cloud Industry Forum

Tony Grayson, General Manager, Quantum & Compass Datacenters

Gary Bennion, Chief Technology & Customer Officer, Cloud M

Sam Woodcock, Senior Director of Cloud Strategy and Enablement, 11:11 Systems

From private and public, to hybrid and multi – how is the cloud adapting to new demands, regulation and a rapid increase of demand for capacity?

End of Critical Insight