12 / 13 / 14 November 2024​


All times are GMT / UK

Day 1 – Welcome

Kayleigh Hutchins, Editor, Data Centre Review

Introduction to Critical Insight from Kayleigh Hutchins, Editor for Data Centre Review.

Keynote – The Power Grid vs Data Centres: A Balancing Act

Focusing on the challenges that the UK power grid faces with the rapid expansion of data centres, this keynote will discuss how the grid’s capacity and reliability can be balanced with escalating energy needs.


Alex Brew, Regional Director Northern Europe, Vertiv

Alex will talk about some of the disruptive trends which are driving an evolution in our approach to the design and configuration of critical infrastructure, the innovative new products coming to market to support these needs, and how data centers are leveraging these technologies to support a more holistic, circular economy led approach such that better positions them to support local communities through more sustainable operational practices.

Making Data Centres More Sustainable

Outline of practical implementations of sustainable solutions in UK data centres, focusing on outcomes and lessons learned.


Edge Computing and Hyperscale Data Centres: A Symbiotic Relationship?

Delving into the growing trend of integrating edge computing with hyperscale data centres to meet the demand for low-latency, high-capacity computing.

15-minute break

Panel – Meeting Future Challenges with Advanced Cooling Technologies

Experts will explore how cutting-edge cooling technologies are essential for managing the heat generated by high-density computing and AI.


Water Usage Effectiveness: The Next Frontier?

Exploring the importance of water management in data centres, and the technologies that minimise water use and strategies for water conservation.

Balancing Renewable Integration and Data Centre Reliability

A discussion of the challenges of integrating renewable energy while maintaining the reliability required by modern data centres.

End of Day One


Please note: This live interactive event will be broadcast via the Zoom platform, viewable on your phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. Not got Zoom? Download here